Miranda kijem
Miranda Kijem was born and raised in Cameroon where she received quality education from some of the finest schools through her primary, secondary and high school education. Miranda later moved to the United States where she obtained an Associate degree in Office Management, a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Virginia College and is currently pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration. Miranda is currently employed as a Database Administrator for LKQ Corporation. Her passion for working with and supporting children from marginalized communities was nurtured at a very young age while spending summer holidays with her late grandmother, who constantly instilled in her, the need to lend a hand to the less privileged. Due to her empathetic passion towards the disenfranchised, and the tenacity to help children, Miranda joined Hope for Children Cameroon as she believes that education is not solely a universal right for every child but also a matter of justice. Since joining Hope for Children Cameroon, Miranda has been seeking for ways to better support these children with the goal of ensuring that “educating every child one school/village at a time” becomes a reality. As Mahatma Gandi once said “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”